Monday, October 4, 2010


             There was a time when people used to gather around the royal society of London and London science academy, waiting eagerly for some mesmerizing technology which adds comfort to their life. There was a time when people used to wait outside the Edison’s and Einstein den to assimilate their new theories and implement it to the practical world. It was like a congregation which was becoming a mundane for them but now the condition is totally reverse. Leave congregation, peoples do not have time to sneak at London science academy except staff and technical luminaries.
When I browsed for the topics related to science what I have noticed that most of the inventions took place in the early 15 centuries to 19 century but there is no invention in the basket of 20th century. I discussed it with my friend and he did a research on it and mailed me footage of 27 pages encompassing inventions took place in the year 2007 but again it leaves me with despair because those were not the inventions, those were innovations. Even today most of the person thinks innovation is the synonym of an invention which is totally absurd. Invention is, you are bringing something new in this world whereas innovation is you are modifying the existing things to make life more comfortable. For example there is an innovation listed on the mail (which is an invention according to my friend) Passive Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for Remote Chemical Detection .the thing which declined PMWS as an invention is, spectrometer was developed in the year 1818 by Joseph von fraunhofer. Though the method used for PMWS is different but the base is same i.e., diffraction grating which was again invented by James Gregory in 1785.
Most of the invention happened accidently or you can say that by hit and try method. Even Edison used this method to come up with the concretized solution for its great invention. For that you need to be a fanatic but peoples related to science domain are too busy in making business clouts which is declining fanaticism among them.  Nowadays I have not seen the use of this method except students who avail this method to crack their exams.
As we know, like every coin each thing possesses two qualities, good and bad.  An Innovation is good but the worst thing about an innovation is that you know up to what extent the wave of your imagination can penetrate because you are going to come up with the solution which rely on the other terms and most of the time you will end up nowhere because technology barriers never allow your imagination to sprawl.
There was a time when the great ideas by G.Galilio, few theories of Albert Einstein and the first automobile by Leonardo da Vinci created controversies  which leave them deserted but those controversial theories are the base of today’s technology. Despite of transcending the barriers technical virtuoso  are spending day and night evaluating whether these theories have practical viability or not. The most interesting thing is that they already know that they are not in a state to prove them wrong. An invention can add spark to life. New ideas can arise when the conscious mind turns away from the subject or problem; or when the focus is on something else. It is a need of time that there should be an invention which defines the new wave of science.

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