Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The General Boggy

With the roaring engine, uncontrolled commotion I started my journey from Mumbai to Ahmadabad, my this journey was quite different from others, this time rather travelling in a luxurious A.C. coupe, I got tickets of general boggy, thanks to my uncontemplate decisions but I wasn’t repentant. I blurted out the moment I entered the coach” what the fuck? ‘one birth, seating capacity-5’ but what I witnessed  ‘one birth, the same seating capacity but 9 people acquired that single birth and two peoples among them not even able to sit properly but still contrived to sit. But thank god! I got mine seat and the interesting part is I was the 9th person.
The vital thing which makes crowd of general compartment to stand away from the A.C. coach crowd is their perspective towards life; you won’t find the people with the pretences but with the true and austere image. I was the only one with the unusual attire, all the ogling eyes around me seems to be x-ray machine, only the printer was missing. After few minutes a short sleep camouflaged me, but this new commotion could not let me go on sleeping, few peoples carrying bags were relocating from one compartment to another in haste. Desperately I asked my fellow passenger “what’s all that about?” he told me that it’s the essence of the general boggy: FERIWALA’S, BHELWALE BHAIYA, aye juta paalish (COBBLER), KHILONEYWALE BHAIYA etc. these are the common names by which passengers call them. In that 7 minutes, that person who was selling something enthralled everybody around him and try his/her best to convince the passengers  to buy something worth rupees 10/-; so he can fetch his/ her children. And the other people who were not contemplating about buying anything surveyed them narrowly, like an old red-eyed crow watching something easy to get its beak into. Then a person sitting couple of a steps away from me with a haggard, stubble face and torn up shirt which speaks of his financial status won the haggle which  bought him a chain of around 12/- bucks, passengers sitting around him start praising him as if he bought 21” LCD plasma.
Rest of the thing was fine except when it comes to lavatory. I want to address one thing that your journey in the general boggy would go smooth unless until the nature call dial yours belly number. I went to lavatory section to attend the call; once again, I was shocked. Three peoples in their graveyard age were sitting inside the lavatory smoking the fags. They ogled at me with 12X zoomed eyes as if I am an intruder and interrupting their meeting. I asked them I have to attend the call and they crossed me by commanding me to put it on hold for another half an hour till train arrives at Surat. I was left with no other option and I put it on hold which embarrassed me when my stomach automatically switched to vibration mode.
After a journey of 7 hours I reached Ahmadabad. While taking the meal, my thoughts lost their way in the overcrowded general boggy. After a long time, I saw the real image of a common man. That aura was mesmerizing, everyone was damn happy, away from the suffering of the world. It’s not like that they do not have grievances but they are self-satisfied. I don’t know what made them smug but they were. Lots of eyes, lots of dreams—some achieved some broken but all of them were satisfied. All of them taught me a beautiful lesson of life- always accept what life give you, respect that and should thank the god; than life will provide you more opportunities.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

An archaic qualification

“75% aggregate, 15 credentials, 3 designing software and above all, topper of the branch. You’ll get any job.” These candid remarks by my friend exhilarated me. I thought I am qualified person; there will be glut of jobs my way ahead. I was wrong.
Just after completion of my degree I went to Aurangabad in search of a job. I spent almost a week over there which left me with despair. I packed my bag, booked my ticket for Ajmer; but this…this Hunger of job forced me to relocate to pune not to Ajmer.
Pune, it’s one of the dream cities for the mechanical or automobile engineer. There are 8 industrial sectors—2200 companies—encompassing small scale to large scale. One month was not enough to be acquainted with these companies. Every day, I woke up, suit up myself and start walking towards never ending road to my destiny. My mundane was to submit my resume to every company enclosed in a white envelope having my name on the top right corner. After an interlude of 23 days I got my first interview call, I didn’t crack it and I wasn’t repentant. There was a surge of calls on my number some related to job, some are not. But this single call was the reason for bug in my bonnet.
A call from subros limited—manufacturer of automotive A.C’s.—was enough to exhilarate me. With their first question I plummet to nadir; those people were asking me how far my nexus are? Their every question flummoxes me from the reality…how imperative those information are? What they have to do with my talent? They need a person with good links not with good talent—my senior is quite right that in India , there is no respect for the talent .these bastards understand only  the language of money not  science(the language of science is physics and math’s.)—so that they can embezzle that information.
My father told me once, that real world is not what u had confronted during your school and college days. When you confront the real world, most of the definition would get change. Pune changed me from top to bottom—not only in appearances but also the way I think—which makes me to accede my father’s words. For me qualification was about academics, credentials, and certificates. But what I erudite, if someone asks you how much qualified you are, then you don’t have to blabber about your marks that you have secured but you must stress on these areas: -Do you have any experience? Do you have any reference? How much you can spend?  (The last one depends on how much you are expecting and how opulent you are, like, if you want 15 grand’s p.m. then you have to pay 45 grand’s,)
          It took long for me to understand these three conditions. Before that, I was sticking to my gun that I’ll get job on my grounds not on others. During my stay in pune, I appeared for 7 interviews, flouted by all. I was living in an abysmal, I surrendered myself; these three obnoxious condition occluded a road to my destiny. The person like me, who accustomed to end his day by assimilating knowledge about automobile either in technical or commercial, was spending time in making contacts which can get me some job (in any department), so that I don’t have to ask my parents to support me financially.
          I got a job with my friend’s assistance. Though I was happy but I was grey from the core of my heart but I found none to lament.
           An opportune ‘everything needs time, was there with me all the time and with the grace of Wahe Guru, I confronted that time about which I am going to write in my next blog.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Unforgettable Reminiscences

Every person needs a change in his/her life, which is the law of nature, which we can’t deny—just like death. I have never expected that moment would come this way.
“Slow down, the view is vague.” My friend shouted at me, who was my pillion when I was on the way to pushkar. His heart was throbbing like anything. “Just shut up, I am about to touch the top speed and don’t worry this is an 8 km stretch highway, no one is going cross us.” Metal hammering sound, two persons lying on the road, and 10m long, thick black mark on the road—it’s not a line from the bollywood movie but from the book of my life which I don’t want to read again—it was quite enough to proliferate the commotion.“They are alive, they need emergency.” This I heard before unconsciousness dominated my cerebellum.
They took us to the hospital and informed our parents. After an interlude of 28 days I was able to do my mundane chores but still my parents afraid to give me a bike. One day I stood against them that I want my bike back; I could feel the emotions of my parents when they were giving me the keys. Within a month, I gained my confidence which I had lost in that accident. I confronted three accidents in the following year, which were not devastated but still I can see the markings clearly. But all these things never affected my life especially the way I drive, till today.
It was the first day of auspicious navratri. The city was looking like a newly wedded bride. I was like a vagabond that night—wandering here and there aimlessly, suddenly; this thought strikes my mind that if I take the other road I can drive faster. By the time high beam of light averted me, I was about to cross the road. The corona was getting bigger with every second from whom I can judge his speed, I decided to disengage the engine at the very moment and let him pass.
I confronted an apocalypse. That corona which was getting bigger with every second suddenly disappears in an undefined darkness. I must say, He tried hard to maintain the grip on road unfortunately all things gone in vain. He collides with the giant contraption obstructing his way ahead. The sound produced by the friction was quite enough to avert the aura, lacuna turns into a commotion. His leg was suspending laterally, we were not able to see his face. “Is he alive or what? why is he not making any movement?” His blood was sprawling on the road; lower end of the air dam shattered his temple. Grudging sound preceded the commotion. With barley 3 revolution of the wheels we witnessed his whole body lying down with no hope of movement. Three peoples came forward, lift up his body, and placed it over divider. I was standing speechless; his face clutched me for a moment till I was jolted by a person. “Move aside, ambulance is here.” But it was too late, improper blood circulation fails to keep his vital visceral alive. He took his last breath in front of me.
I just want to go somewhere else, far away from this commotion.  I thought just turning the knob to mobilize mode could help me out but I was wrong. Though it was not connected to me directly but somehow it was linked to me. All the way, this thought was roaming in mind; he didn’t make a single sound. Why he died in such a peaceful way? He should have bear some pain—the pain which now his parents, his brother or sister going to bear throughout their life. Oh god! It took 17 years for his father to create a beautiful life around him and he shattered it in 17 seconds. Now I came to know, how can second change a beautiful life into a massacre.
With this question in mind and numbness in eyes, I reached my house. Walking quietly I approached my parents room to share what I confronted. I saw them, how peacefully they were sleeping. And that was the moment which changed me, I promised myself that I will never drive insanely.

Monday, October 4, 2010


             There was a time when people used to gather around the royal society of London and London science academy, waiting eagerly for some mesmerizing technology which adds comfort to their life. There was a time when people used to wait outside the Edison’s and Einstein den to assimilate their new theories and implement it to the practical world. It was like a congregation which was becoming a mundane for them but now the condition is totally reverse. Leave congregation, peoples do not have time to sneak at London science academy except staff and technical luminaries.
When I browsed for the topics related to science what I have noticed that most of the inventions took place in the early 15 centuries to 19 century but there is no invention in the basket of 20th century. I discussed it with my friend and he did a research on it and mailed me footage of 27 pages encompassing inventions took place in the year 2007 but again it leaves me with despair because those were not the inventions, those were innovations. Even today most of the person thinks innovation is the synonym of an invention which is totally absurd. Invention is, you are bringing something new in this world whereas innovation is you are modifying the existing things to make life more comfortable. For example there is an innovation listed on the mail (which is an invention according to my friend) Passive Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for Remote Chemical Detection .the thing which declined PMWS as an invention is, spectrometer was developed in the year 1818 by Joseph von fraunhofer. Though the method used for PMWS is different but the base is same i.e., diffraction grating which was again invented by James Gregory in 1785.
Most of the invention happened accidently or you can say that by hit and try method. Even Edison used this method to come up with the concretized solution for its great invention. For that you need to be a fanatic but peoples related to science domain are too busy in making business clouts which is declining fanaticism among them.  Nowadays I have not seen the use of this method except students who avail this method to crack their exams.
As we know, like every coin each thing possesses two qualities, good and bad.  An Innovation is good but the worst thing about an innovation is that you know up to what extent the wave of your imagination can penetrate because you are going to come up with the solution which rely on the other terms and most of the time you will end up nowhere because technology barriers never allow your imagination to sprawl.
There was a time when the great ideas by G.Galilio, few theories of Albert Einstein and the first automobile by Leonardo da Vinci created controversies  which leave them deserted but those controversial theories are the base of today’s technology. Despite of transcending the barriers technical virtuoso  are spending day and night evaluating whether these theories have practical viability or not. The most interesting thing is that they already know that they are not in a state to prove them wrong. An invention can add spark to life. New ideas can arise when the conscious mind turns away from the subject or problem; or when the focus is on something else. It is a need of time that there should be an invention which defines the new wave of science.